What are Quickies?
Quickies are designed as high intensity, short duration workouts that can serve as a warm up, or when performed in quantity, a workout in themselves.
Why should I do Quickies?
Quickies are QUICK and can be done almost anywhere! Individually, they may not prove that difficult, but are intended to be done in groups of two or more, depending on time or fitness level.
How long do Quickies take?
Depending on your fitness level, each quickie can take anywhere between 1 to 5 minutes.
How much rest should I take between Quickies?
Equal recovery in between quickies is ideal, but if any prove too difficult, you should increase rest times or lower the repetitions of each exercise. Remember that quickies are designed to be high-intensity. You should push yourself to complete them and feel some burn after their completion.
Who invented Quickies?
Cal Ochoa and Scott Robinson are the inventors of Quickies! Patrick Davis was also a major contributor.
Is there a Quickies mobile app?
Cal Ochoa is currently in the process of developing a Quickies mobile app and is expected to have it released in Summer 2019.